The Autumn People
Well it’s safe to say, in Ireland this year, we’ve had NO summer.
Now I know we like to say that every year but this time it’s true. I can’t remember a non-season like this – ever. It does, however have it’s perks…
For people such as myself who come to life when the winds are howling, blowing leaves about like confetti and carrying with them THAT smell, the smell of Autumn, this year we can embrace it with no guilt, no shame and no sorrow for what we leave behind…and no-one can say a word!
I was born in the Autumn and I’m pretty sure that has coloured my perception of it because even though it meant going back to school which was the worst thing imaginable, right slap bang in the middle of it was my birthday. Not only that but my favourite day of the entire year lay in wait as Autumn turned the world orange, red and gold. That day is of course, Hallowe’en.
Regular visitors to my little place in this world will know how much I love Hallowe’en so I won’t go into it here and now, we’ll save that till it approaches, for now let’s just don our coats, pull our collars up and our hats down and step into Autumn…
“Where do they come from? The dust. Where do they go? The grave. Does blood stir their veins? No: the night wind. What ticks in their head? The worm. What speaks from their mouth? The toad. What sees from their eye? The snake. What hears with their ear? The abyss between the stars…..Such are the autumn people.” – Ray Bradbury
I also married my best friend last Autumn so there’s that too!
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