Head Scratching, Story Telling, Shadowy Figures and Blistering Guitar Work
How’s it going? Did you miss me?
Aw, me too, well let me tell you what I’ve been at…
Been a busy few weeks for me. The main thing I’ve been working on has been preparation for an art project based around a fairy tale set in the Appalation mountains which involves storytelling through shadow puppetry, music, narration and visual arts. There are four artists, including myself at the core of the project but we’ll also be involving school children, musicians and anyone else we can rope in.
I’ve the outline of the story written but it needs a nip and a tuck here and there. Once it’s finalised I’ll set about designing and creating the shadow puppets and backgrounds with school groups. I’ll also be “painting” scenes from the story with my trusty powerhose as my next series of barn murals which is where I find dirty walls and wash away everything that isn’t the picture I have in my head, leaving, well you’ve guessed it – the picture I have in my head.