Here We Go!
Right, let’s try this again. Every year round this time I think to myself, “Y’know, I really must start doing this more regularly”. More regularly, as opposed to hardly ever of course. So here I am, hopefully you are too. Let’s do this – first blog post of 2018!
Over the last while I’ve noticed I’m getting asked more and more to illustrate for people. Between books, album sleeves, T-shirt designs etc. it seems what I love to do most is showing through and people are noticing. And I suppose there’ll come a time when I’m too old to climb ladders and hang off cherry-pickers painting murals (I’ve heard it can happen, I’ve seen it in a book!) so sitting with a drawing book on my knee and a big mug or tea by my side sounds pretty good.
I’ve loads of stuff in pipeline that I think you’ll get a kick out of and I’ll do my best to keep you updated and interested. One particular project coming up is so far out of my comfort zone I’ll have to leave a trail of breadcrumbs to get home.
For the moment though, here are some of my favourite things from the last while…
Thanks, speak soon,
Lovely to read about your exploits and I love to see your latest paintings on line and face book. I hope you will find the time to come into West bridge House to get us stated back to art, with the weather since the new year we have not got started yet hopefully the snow and frost has gone for this year, fingers crossed. I will let you kmow after next week’s group and get everyone motivated
thanks Kevin