“I haven’t laughed as much since my mother died…”
…This was the snippet of a conversation I overheard this morning as I trudged through the stormy winds and torrential rain that tried to destroy me and anyone else stupid enough to be out in it. It lifted my mood no end.
So, my site has been up a month and by now I should be sitting down to write my third blog but here I am only getting round to the second.
“Where have you been?” I hear you cry, “What have you been doing?”
Well, mostly paperwork. Boring, confusing paperwork. Good way to start the year. Still, had to be done and it’s all behind me now.
I’ve also been doing a lot of preparation work for some fairly adventurous (well, for me anyway) projects coming up. There are more powerhose murals in the pipeline and they all have to be planned out. Really looking forward to getting into the “wetsuit” again and playing Ghostbusters with the powerhose.
Add to that a bit of illustration work, an album cover, some commissioned pieces and portraits and a story I’m helping write for a shadow puppet play (!) and what you get is a head full of ideas and not enough time to arrange them into any kind of workable order.
Oh, did I mention Cadaver Club, the horror punk band I sing in is recording a new single this Friday and shooting the video for it on Saturday? No? I do apologise. Songs are also being written in Setting Off Sirens just to ensure I don’t accidentally sleep at some point in the near future.
You know what though? I wouldn’t have it any other way. I find I’m at my most creative when I’ve so much to do I can hardly think straight. Seems to work for me and in spite of any incidental moaning I do love it.
Here’s a sneeky look at my portrait of the one and only Mr. Patrick Moore. I did it for the art exhibition to be held in Enniskillen over Easter. The painting’s called, “The Sky’s The Limit” and it’s my tribute to a man who captured my imagination and got me out at all hours gazing at the stars and the moon. I genuinly miss him and he’ll live in my memories forever. Who’s going to go prowling with me now?
Are you still here? I can’t believe you’ve read this far. Well I will now reward your effort by signing off.
Thanks so much for taking an interest in an old fool’s ramblings. Sure if you’re not doing anything in a few weeks, call back and I’m sure I’ll have a story for you. Some of it may even be true.
May the road rise to meet you,
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