Howlin’ At The Moon
Of all the classic creatures of the night, I’ve always been drawn to the werewolf the most. I love all the old Universal monster movies and more and more lately they’ve been creeping into my art. It was always going to happen I suppose and I have to say I’m enjoying the hell out of myself.
I remember like it was yesterday, the first horror film I was allowed to watch. Our house was being renovated at the time and my whole family (all eight of us) were living in two rooms while the building work was going on. It was approaching Hallowe’en which has always been celebrated in my house and we were getting into the spirit of things, pun firmly intended, as the scary movies started. Everyone sat around the telly to watch John Carpenter’s Halloween (how appropriate!) and I sat down too hoping my mother wouldn’t notice. She did but as there was nowhere to send me so she had to reluctantly let me watch it. She warned me I’d have nightmares and she was right but at that stage I didn’t care, I had seen my future, I had found my new favourite thing! Well, my new favourite thing has stayed with me my whole life, as have specific scenes from that film. Last year my wife and I went to Universal and Disneyworld for our honeymoon and on 30th October, the night before Hallowe’en, we were chased by Micheal Myers, all boiler-suited and booted and larger than life. A nightmare come true.
I’ve been developing an idea for a few months now and a short while ago decided it was time to take the plunge and kick it into action, otherwise I may never do anything with it and that would be a shame. I had been coming up with a way to celebrate the classic monsters but with a new twist. After a few scrapped ideas I created “The Hollowhill All-stars Monsters’ Sports Academy”!
Each team would be comprised of a different set of legendary creatures of the night and have their own skills, strengths and weaknesses. I have big plans for the All-stars but I thought I’d launch them by getting their strips made in the form of T-shirts. Who was going to be the first? No contest – The Howlin’ Wolfmen!
My creatures will come to life in many ways over the next few months and years but for now, enjoy these hairy doggy men and look out for the next team to take the field.
If you’d like to don the colours of the Wolfmen you can get yours over on the shop page.
Thank you for all your support in both my realistic art and my more cartoony stuff, it means the world AND the underworld to me,
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